parthenon, acropolis, athens, greece, explore greece, 7 day greece itinerary

Explore Greece!

Explore Greece! Greece is a gorgeous country with a mountainous mainland and thousands of beautiful islands scattered along the Aegean and Ionian Seas. Along with the natural beauty of the country it has a deep-rooted history, great cuisine and friendly locals. It is a country that I may just return to over and over again!

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A personal highlight

A walking Tour in Athens

This may seem like a small and silly highlight, but I found that Athens has some contrasting highs and lows in terms of amazing places to see and then not-so-amazing (and clean) areas. The walking tour really helped me appreciate the city as a whole more. I really loved delving deeper into the history (that I once learned in school, but had long ago forgotten 🙃). So, while you are in Athens, be sure to take a walking tour! 

A variety of tours can be booked below, or check out free walking tours (but be sure to tip!)

parthenon view, athens, greece